Sunday, May 1, 2011

Why Eat Organic

There are many reasons why people are choosing organic foods over conventionally produced fruits, vegetables and other food products. Organic food just tastes so much better and of course while it is common sense that ingesting food that has been laden with chemical pesticides and herbicides can;t be good for you. There is a lot more other reasons why eating organic just makes good sense.

Fresh organic produce has more vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other micro-nutrients than farmed produce. Studies show that organic food contains between 50 and 100% more minerals and 25% more fiber. Organic farmers often protect wildlife in their areas by not using harmful pesticides or herbicides and look for ways to protect their crops without harming wildlife and the environment. A larger part of organic agriculture in Indonesia involves the health of the soil and the ecosystem in which crops are raised. 

Organic practices recognise that a healthy and live soil and ecosystem benefit crops. Natural, undisturbed soil is alive with macrobiotic organisms which exist in harmony together with the native plant life and the inorganic minerals that provide the soil's substrate.

Organically grown produce consistently tests higher than non-organically grown foods for vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients, as well as showing much smaller amounts of nitrates, heavy metals and other contaminants. One of the main reasons there is a nutritional discrepancy is that organic soil is much richer in minerals and micronutrients than non-organic soil. 

What’s not in the soil is unable to be absorbed by the plant. This is because non-organic farmers most often fertilize their soil with only three components: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, whereas organic farmers use a variety of fertilizers including compost, manure and cover crops.

When you buy organic produce you not only get chemical-free food, and it’s taste benefits you also get all the health benefits that rich, well-managed living soil provides.

Help JoFresh create the good organic Indonesian food life for all. Join Jakarta Fresh Organics today and get farm-fresh Indonesian, organic, healthy fruits and vegetables for the whole week, full of flavor and freshness right to your doorstep!

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