Wednesday, February 1, 2012

We Are What We Eat

Or so concludes a new report from the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research. The report summarized the findings of dozens of nutrition scientists from around the world, who reviewed thousands of studies published during the last 40 years. The new guidelines are more specific and less biased than the guidelines from the U.S. government, which are influenced by lobbyists from the food industry.

Eat mostly foods of plant origin. Eat at least 5 servings of a variety of non-starchy fruits and vegetables every day, as well as unprocessed breads, cereals, legumes or lentils with every meal. Refined, starchy foods such as white rice and pasta made with white flour should be limited.

Reduce sugary drinks and fast foods. These foods have far more calories than we need. With sweet drinks, our brains don't seem to register the calories, so we keep eating.

Red meat and processed meats "are convincing or probable causes" of cancer. Anyone who eats beef, pork, lamb or goat meat should limit it to not more than 3 oz. per day. Rarely or never eat processed meats such as sausage, bacon, and smoked or cured meats.

The report recommends keeping our weights at the low end of the normal range and exercising 30 to 60 minutes per day.

Many books have been written on how raw foods (i.e. uncooked foods) deal with diseases such as cancer.Many fruits and vegetables have nutrients that kill cancer cells and/or stop the spread of cancer. Cooking food destroys 100% of all enzymes in a food. Because many foods contain the necessary enzymes needed to digest that food (and get the nutrients out of the food), cooking food places a great burden on our body and does not allow you to get as many nutrients out of the food. Actually, cooking food does damage to the value of the food in over two dozen different ways.

Juicing vegetables and fruits makes the nutrients in a fruit or vegetable more digestible by the body, meaning more of the nutrients are extracted from the vegetables or fruits with less of the obstructing fibers. The second advantage is that you can consume a lot more vegetables (particularly vegetables and fruits with cancer killing nutrients) in a shorter amount of time and with a lot less effort. Juicing is an excellent way to consume your fruits and vegetables.

Vegetables Juices
The  vegetables you should focus on are: carrots, cabbage, green asparagus, broccoli, red beets (i.e. beetroot), beet tops, cauliflower and related vegetables. Peppers also have cancer fighting substances. The spice turmeric can be added as well.

The vegetable juice should include:
1) Carrot juice (1 to 2 liters),
2) Beet juice (from at least 2 red beets, with their beet tops)
3) A significant amount of cruciferous vegetables including: broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower 
(this is for both the cancer and the critical protection of the liver).

Here are just a few of the cancer cell killing nutrients (direct or indirect) in vegetables:
Raw Carrots (alpha carotene, beta carotene, Vitamin E, etc.),
Raw Broccoli (sulforaphanes/isothiocyanates),
Raw cabbage (isothiocyanates),
Green Asparagus (saponins),
Beetroot/red beets (proanthocyanidins (PAC's or OPC's)), and
Turmeric (a spice) (curcurmin).
Fruit Juices
As an alternative to a vegetable juice, you could also make a fruit juice. Unlike the vegetable juice, for which you should only take 1 to 2 liters  of carrot juice per day, there is no limit to how many fruit juices you can have each day.

The fruits you should focus on are: purple grapes (with skins and seeds), red raspberries, black raspberries, strawberries, and other non-citrus fruits, with their seeds, especially mungkudu or noni. Actually, any fruit with dark blue or dark purple coloring is acceptable, such as blueberries. Raw pineapple is especially good if you can get it and afford it. Tomatoes also have cancer fighting nutrients.

Here is a sample of the known cancer-killing nutrients in fruits:
Raw pineapple (bromelain and pexoxidase), Whole purple grapes with seeds and skins (more than a dozen, see Grape Cure article), Apricot seeds (laetrile),Strawberries, red raspberries, black raspberries (laetrile and ellagic acid), Blueberries (ellagic acid, anthrocyanins, OPC).

To see the entire report, go to

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